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Updated: Jan 20, 2020

Back at the beginning of December, which now feels oh so long ago, I went to meet Patsy and her family, her husband, their 3 'kids' and their other halves, all of the grandchildren, Great-Granny, the dogs, and so on..... They had opted to have the session at home as it would be more comfortable for everyone, especially the littlest who was only 2 weeks old at that point - and completely adorable!

I got a few group shots and then lots of relaxed images of them interacting and having fun as a family, new baby cuddles, playing games and having ice lollies - as you do in December! Here are a few of my favourites.....

How gorgeous are these guys?!

If you are interested in having an at home, or location family photo-session capturing your family as they are, having fun, relaxed and enjoyable to give you images to treasure for generations please get in touch.


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